Tuesday, May 26, 2009


being sick isnt fun.
the best part, is when you get to miss school but the older you get the less fun even that is cause you have to make up so much work.
hmm i left at lunch today.
13 days of school left
i just straightened my hair
im gonna get a new gift for promotion
drama is okay
im in summer health but online
saturday was the best day of my life in a long long time
i love amy
i love taylor
i love andrea
im gonna see tegan and sara july 5
i cant wait for june 8th oh i hope i got into dance!

random thoughts i know, but if you have a problem with that then you should read my blog![:
hmmm life sucks just a little bit right now.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

an ode to sandcastles

not really, i SOOO cannot do poetry, well heres my hypothetical lesson of the day.
you are horrible
i mean i always have a picture on how its gonna look, my obviously my skills in making sandcastles are limited.
and all that time spent on making it for what??
just to see a wave engulf it and turn it back into a great big pile of mush?
theres no magic like you see in the movies
but how can you become a pro at making them when you have no experience?
oh well, but right now... its too young to learn for it all means nothing.

anyone who reads this... if your confused, then you have a right to be.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

my batmitzvah

was a year ago..
its so weird thinking that it was a year ago already.
that went so fast.
when i start thinking about that, i feel so old though im only 14
too bad i never have an excuse to wear my beautiful dress i bought :(
heehee, i sometimes though like randomly.
my sisters party was so much fun!
omg. i loved it and i hope i can have a party like that!
hahaha it was so cute and surprisingly my sister has some pretty kickass friends
they are going to be SOO much fun to hang out with when their drunk... jk
but they were acting like they were.. its the fruit punch i guess.
the only bad part was that amy wasnt there but were gonna make it up and roxie and her are going to have to go to the mall sometime soon[:
love you!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

beach was fun

i just made brownies and they smell yummy[:
i REALLY want some but imma wait till tomorrow.
i didnt want to go into the water cause it was cold... but i went in 2 times. and my body was numb
but i loved it. and i got super hyper and screamed a bunch
fun. fun. fun.
<3 the beach so much
sarah's party tomorrow im excited so much cause roxie and .. uhh, AMS *wink, wink*
is coming over. yay!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

well im going to the beach

im SUPAH excited
its for keeping up my YY points at school, and i have 100
last year i lost 11 points and made up 10
but the last one i decided i didnt feel like making up simply cause the beach trip wasnt that much fun... and cause im a bad-ass
but in 6th grade i only lost 1 point and being a goody-two-shoes-kiss-up-sixth-grader i made it up.. and i went on the beach trip
this year though, i mean its my last but i lost no points lol
so im going and im gonna get a tan!
cause im in desperate need for one
ugh, middle school has so much drama and pointless relationships (im not pointing my finger at someone in particular)
i think its just so stupid and it doesnt mean a thing, i mean its not like your gonna marry you middle school "sweetheart". whatever
on a lighter note i CANNOT WAIT FOR SATURDAY, theres gonna be some major partying in mah houseeee lol... sortof jk. but not really.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

so i took a quiz

on what religion i should be based on my beliefs, and i got that i should be a
Theravada Buddhist
, and now i think im going to look it up[:
i never heard of one before but i think that these kind of quizes are cool.
mostly because there are tons of people who are a certain religion only because they were born into it and then they are told what to believe. my family is pretty lax about religion and im pretty lucky to be able to chose things like this.
so here ya go... its the link:

its pretty interesting!

Monday, May 11, 2009

i feel good,

i just helped someone
so here's what happened.... (its a long story)
my best friend roxie* was dating matt* for like 3 months
and i didnt find out untill about a month after they started dating
matt was a little bit obsessed with roxie and after a while she couldnt handle it anymore.
she didnt say yes to him in the first place because she felt bad if she said 'no' or just
because they were friends... infact up until his whole problem, she didnt regret dating him
im still not sure that she does.
now roxie is one of the nicest people anyone is sure to meet, i mean you could search the world and never find someone quite as nice as her. and its not just that... she funny, smart, has a great personality, kind heart, and if that wasnt enough, shes quite pretty if i do say so myself. and i have had the pleasure of knowing her since 2nd grade. [:
matt on the otherhand, is smart, can be funny, and a super nice person too. but i didnt know him until 7th grade so only about 2 years.
he adored her, i mean whats not to like about roxie??
but he was more like a lost puppy than a boyfrien. yes, he gave her a cute stuffed animal for valentines day and was a good boyfriend. but pretty soon... she was tired of the random awkward scilence that would fill the room randomly and him following her around 24/7. she knew that she had dragged it out far too long. and that she had to end it and that it would hurt him but continueung ut woulld be just that much worse. so one day... she ended it.
from then on, he has been totally depressed. he quit track, which was one of his favorite things to do. and started swearing... but i dont know much details about that. he skipped school .... mostly because he had the flu... but i think part of the time he was underthe weather but not from being sick.
i mean what was she to do?
she though he would get over her but....

three weeks past.
and that brings me to today.
i was talking to matt on facebook today.
he told me that he couldnt get over her and he still wont... he adores her.
literally that was the EXACT word he used.
not knowing him very well made it a little bit awkward. and even though hes still obviously depressed, i think my little lame-therapist-impression may have worked just a bit.
i told him that getting over roxie would be difficult and though people expect it to just happen, it doesnt work that way. everyone will have a different rate that their reactions happen just like chemicals. and you cant force a chemical reaction. you just have to let the chips fall where they may. matt will get over roxie... but only time can tell. so i think im going to ask mr. second hand just when that is. now im going to post this before it gets any longer and before i sound anymore like a fortune cookie :D
goodnight my love<3

*fake code names

first day of star testing...

was kinda weird.
i dunno... so many rules!
i mean they spend like 15 mins telling how to fill in a bubble...
i mean god! we are in what now? 8th grade?
and we have been testing since 2nd grade... i think by 6 years they dont need to spend a half an hour telling us how to write our teacher and school name on the paper.
but whatever enough of my complaining.
the test wasnt too bad, we started on english today.
but they gave us way too much time.
i finished and there was still and hour and a half left until we were released.
and we only started on what was supposedly part one. but that was only 35 questions.
i wish we just got all of the english over with.
well tomorrow we start on math so that should be fun.
i like math and this year.... im good at it!
so whatever im excited[:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

my first post

so my name is Rachel Cohen
i am in my last year of middle school and i am 14 years old
i dont know much about life but what i can infer is that nothing is truly simple
when it is... then your doing something wrong.
i dont really like writing that much, but who knows?
this blog might just help me change my mind.
this is just for me, a private place to write my thoughts so maybe i can look back at this someday.
im probally not going to write in this very often but ill see.
who knows what life will bring me next...